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South Essex Slings
Feb 1, 20243 min read
Troubleshooting your buckle carrier
If you have a buckle carrier and are struggling to make it feel good, then keep reading. Below I will explain some of the common issues...

South Essex Slings
Jan 24, 20244 min read
Troubleshooting your stretchy wrap
Having trouble feeling confident with your stretchy wrap? Then read on..........

South Essex Slings
Nov 4, 20224 min read
And that's a Wrap!
The end to our natural term breastfeeding journey. Just to note I say breastfeeding as that's the term I personally use. It’s very bitter...

South Essex Slings
Oct 15, 20222 min read
What's the best sling for......
Read on to find out what the best sling or carrier is for you....

South Essex Slings
Mar 30, 20223 min read
Guide to carrying in all weathers.
So, a very common question I hear is, what do baby and myself wear when using the sling? Especially if its very cold or very hot....

South Essex Slings
Dec 2, 20214 min read
AGHHHH So Many Sling Options!
You’re expecting a baby or just had one and you’ve seen friends carrying their littles ones in slings. You like the look of it so you...

South Essex Slings
Jun 27, 20214 min read
Birth trauma, why is this even a thing?
My ramblings about how sad I feel with the rising cases of birth trauma.

South Essex Slings
May 15, 20213 min read
Chest or Breastfeeding with allergies.
I just wish for one day that my children and I could all eat what we like, not have to read the ingredients list on everything. That...

South Essex Slings
Apr 3, 20215 min read
Yes, I breastfeed a big kid! So What.
(just a note to say that this is written from my perspective as a person who identifies as female and who breastfeeds, I understand this...

South Essex Slings
Mar 10, 20216 min read
My birth stories, from bad to brilliant.
I first fell pregnant in 2012, unfortunately, at our 12 week scan we were told that the baby had stopped growing at about 5-6 weeks. It’s...

South Essex Slings
Mar 8, 20216 min read
PND and Me
Post Natal Depression According to the NHS approximately 1 in 10 women will experience Post Natal Depression (PND) within a year of...

South Essex Slings
Mar 8, 20213 min read
Does my child fit in their carrier?
So how do you tell when a carrier is too small? You will need to check three things: 1. The panel of the carrier should support your...
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